
Let's Duke It Out

health and well-being

Find Out More About Swimmers Ear

Learn More About Swimmers Ear This is a bacterial infection of the external auditory canal. Otitis externa is the medical word for a swimmer’s ear.  It is a very prevalent issue among children. Because it primarily affects swimmers, it is…

Begin Your Day with a Smile

Begin Your Day with a Smile Begin Your Day with a Smile: We sometimes make grand plans that we believe will bring us happiness, such as a vacation, graduation, or wedding. But the small pleasures in life bring us the…

Sore Throat Essential Oils

Sore Throat Essential Oils Sore Throat Essential Oils: A sore throat is a frequent ailment caused by various factors. A sore throat, also known as pharyngitis, is most commonly caused by contagious diseases caused by viruses, like the common cold…

Facebook’s Mental Health Issue

Facebook’s Mental Health Issue Facebook’s Mental Health Issue: What was the most important thing I discovered in 2021? Depression and social media do not get along. For the first time in October 2021, I erased the Facebook app from my…