Techniques for Achieving Success through Positive Thinking
Techniques for Achieving Success through Positive Thinking
Techniques for Achieving Success through Positive Thinking: We understand that “be positive” is one of the most vexing phrases in English. It might be difficult to be urged to smile and look on the bright side of life when you find it impossible to think of yourself optimistically.
Would you trust us if we said positive thinking may help you overcome some of your negative beliefs? Flooding your mind with positive thoughts could be a useful method for quieting your inner critic.
To better understand pleasure and positive thinking, scientific and psychological experts devised the “3-1 ratio” notion. According to positive psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, “the magic ratio” states that we must have three pleasant sensations for every harmful emotion we experience in order to be successful.
According to the findings of the 2013 study, Fredrickson’s ratio may not be supported by scientific evidence. As a result, you should be wary about embracing it as gospel. However, this does not rule out the possibility that she was mistaken about the effectiveness of positive thinking.
When we think negatively, we prefer to see and emphasise the negative parts of circumstances rather than the positive aspects.
We can overcome this bias and reorient our worldview by consciously attempting to “think positive” and focusing on the positive qualities of our surroundings.
It’s difficult to be joyful when you want to curl up in bed and moan about the state of the world. We’ve compiled three simple ways to help you see the bright side of life even when everything else appears to be dark.
Increase your self-compassion.
Self-compassion means treating oneself with the same kindness that one treats others, regardless of one’s situation. This essentially requires paying close attention to and carefully monitoring your inner voice to ensure that you talk well of yourself.
The more we practise self-compassion, the more likely we are to speak kindly and generously about ourselves, even in stressful or difficult situations.
Kristen Neff, PhD, a self-compassion expert, suggests, “Stop and ask yourself, ‘This is unpleasant right now,’ and then think about how you may comfort and care for yourself at this tough time.”
Although self-compassion is not always a beneficial method for altering one’s outlook, being kind to oneself makes it simpler to think positively because one feels good on the inside.
Think about the messages you send to yourself on a regular basis if you want to practise self-compassion, and approach challenging situations with the same advice you would give to a close friend.
Keep your thoughts in mind.
Although the term “mindfulness” has become overused in recent years, being aware of your thoughts may be a great tool for promoting good thinking.
Mindfulness is defined as “the practice of fostering awareness of the present moment and compassion for ourselves and others” by the meditation software Headspace. To practise mindfulness, we must tune into our senses and become more aware of what is going on in the current moment. We also need to become more aware of whether our ideas are positive or negative.
The purpose of mindfulness practice is not to clear one’s mind of all unproductive thoughts, but this is one of the advantages. It is vital to recognise that such thoughts are normal and healthy. Instead, the goal of mindfulness practice is to refer to unpleasant ideas as “thoughts,” gently recognise them, and redirect attention to happy thoughts rather than negative ones.
You’ll feel better if you focus on the present and something more enjoyable – to shift your attention — as Jeena Cho described in Forbes as “mindfulness practice.” “Mindfulness practise is about turning back,” she explains, revealing that she observes when her thoughts wander into rumination and brings her awareness back to the present and something more pleasant – redirecting her attention.
It is important to practise gratitude.
When we’re racing around trying to get as much “useful” stuff done as possible in the short time we have available, it’s easy to lose sight of the many things for which we should be grateful. Taking the time to appreciate all of the beautiful things we already have, on the other hand, is an excellent way of educating our minds to be more hopeful in the long run.
According to studies, writing down what we are grateful for has a positive impact on our mental health; we become more joyful and feel better.
One alternative is to keep a thankfulness diary in which you write down three things you are grateful for each day. Another approach is to make a happy jar by writing down positive affirmations and placing them in a jar to read when you’re feeling depressed.
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