Micro-Suction Ear Wax Removal – The Advantages And Disadvantages
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The advantages and disadvantages of micro-suction ear wax removal
Micro-Suction Ear Wax Removal: Microsuction ear cleaning is a technique doctors use to remove earwax. Before earwax removal begins, the doctor uses a microscope to look inside your ear canal to find the blockage.
Alternatively, he may use a tiny camera with a light inserted into your ear canal, called an endoscope. The doctor uses a small suction cup to suck out and remove the earwax gently during the procedure.
Following up on the recent question ” Is micro-suction earwax removal safe“. I decided to write a more in-depth article about the pros and cons of the procedure. In general, micro-suction ear wax removal is a safe procedure.
However, as with all medical procedures, there can be unintended problems.
So let’s take a look at the process and what you need to know.
This article will outline what earwax is, then discuss both microsuction and irrigation in detail, mentioning the pros and cons of both methods.
The first thing to note is that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Another critical point to note is that both methods of ear wax removal are considered safe as long as a competent doctor performs them.
At the Ear Wax Removal Network, we assess each client holistically and give our advice based on their individual needs and our expert opinion.
We offer a microsuction option to remove excess earwax. We do not provide rinsing, as rinsing can cause problems. We will be happy to advise you on which method is best for you and explain the advantages and disadvantages in detail. Procedures are performed only with your consent.
Microsuction earwax removal
The Microsuction Earwax Removal Network can perform earwax removal in one of our clinics using state-of-the-art microsuction equipment and advanced endoscopic cameras.
A buildup of earwax in the ear canal can cause temporary hearing loss. This is the most common form of what is known as conductive hearing loss – sound cannot reach the eardrum and then cannot be transmitted to the brain. Wax buildup can also cause discomfort and frustration, and if you are already a hearing aid user, you are likely to experience feedback (whistling from the device).
Are you looking for an ear wax removal procedure?
We conduct ear wax removal consultations daily (except Sundays) during the week. Our professional audiologists and nurses are experienced and specially trained in removing excess earwax using micro-suction. We remove earwax both by micro-suction. Removing earwax by ear syringing is now considered an outdated method.
As registered medical professionals, we adhere to strict professional guidelines to ensure that we protect you during every ear wax removal appointment in Covid-19.
A good look inside the ear canal
Microaspiration uses a binocular microscope, which gives us a magnificent view of both the ear canal and any earwax blockages. This means we have a clear idea of what we are doing, making it much safer and easier to do.
Microsuction is a minimally invasive technique that is usually performed in the consulting room.
The procedure involves using a microscope to provide a good view of the ear canal and a small vacuum cleaner that gently removes earwax by suction.
The procedure usually takes about five minutes. Microsuction of the middle ear is a highly safe and comfortable method of cleaning the ear that does not carry the same risk of trauma and infection associated with syringe procedures.
The procedure itself is usually relatively quick but depends on the amount of earwax and its consistency. We use a microscope and a large speculum (cone-shaped instrument).
We place the speculum in the ear to focus through it and get good access to the ear canal. We then use the suction device to remove the earwax gently. When we are done, we look at the ear canal again to make sure it is clear. If necessary, we repeat the procedure on the second ear.
What can cause earwax buildup?
Earwax buildup and associated hearing loss are easily remedied, provided an earwax removal service is available locally and on time. However, this is far from the case everywhere in the UK.
Even though the Centre for Primary Ear Care trains nurses, healthcare assistants, audiologists, and pharmacists in irrigation with water and microaspiration (Mills, 2018), there are currently few NHS general practices where both techniques are available.
When treating earwax accumulation, we often find ourselves answering very similar questions from patient to patient. Still, it’s perfectly natural to have questions and concerns about something you’ve never experienced before – especially when it’s related to hearing and health.
For that reason, we’ve broken this article down question by question to make it as easy as possible for you to browse through. If you feel we haven’t answered a question, please let us know.
Symptoms of an earwax buildup
Never try to remove an earwax buildup yourself with your fingers, a cotton swab, or any other object. This can damage your ear and push the wax down further.
If the earwax is only causing minor problems, you can try buying some ear drops from the pharmacy. Using drops may make your hearing or symptoms a little worse at first before they get better. These can help soften the earwax so that it falls out naturally.
Earwax is a naturally occurring substance that is important for the health of your ears. Usually, earwax is removed from your ears naturally so that it does not build up. However, some people experience symptoms of excessive earwax that may require treatment.
Many people produce a small amount of earwax throughout their lives that leaves the ear canal naturally and never have problems with it. For others, the ear produces a more significant amount of earwax that does not entirely escape the ear canal and becomes clogged, resulting in decreased hearing and a congested feeling in the ear.
Many people report liking the feel of microsuction and find it comforting.
It is very gentle and restores hearing immediately. If tinnitus is present because the ear canal is blocked, it is often relieved when the blockage is removed.
There is a wind-like sound when the probe is in the ear canal, and modern devices have significantly reduced the operating noise. If the earwax is very soft, you can hear a quiet suction noise as the debris is drawn into the tube via the probe.
All patients are initially evaluated for general ear health. It is important to remember that earwax is not the only cause of congested sensation or decreased hearing.
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