
Let's Duke It Out


Things That Can Make Tinnitus Worse

Things That Can Make Tinnitus Worse Is This For Real? Tinnitus is almost seldom the result of a significant underlying ailment. For some, it is merely a mild irritation that comes and goes. However, it can significantly interfere with daily…

Genetics Hearing loss And Rare Conditions

Genetics Hearing loss And Rare Conditions The answer to this question is, “yes.” Their grandmother joins them for a family gathering. Family members with hearing loss may have a genetic predisposition to the condition. It has been established that hearing…

Pain Management Doctors In Phoenix, Arizona …

Phoenix Pain Management is a multi-disciplined practice. A pain management expert in Phoenix is a medical doctor or osteopath who treats pain caused by trauma, illness, or malfunction. While they are referred to as Phoenix pain management experts, they are…