Why is a Cell Phone VPN Important for Secure Smartphone Browsing?
“Why use a cell phone VPN service?” is what people ask after friends and relatives say they use them. We answer your queries such as: “Should I be using a VPN on my phone?”
We explain why a VPN can be important and how can it help you avoid tracking and be more secure when browsing on your phone?
What Does a Cell Phone VPN Do?
The VPN is a virtual private network which routes your internet traffic through a server into the country in which the server is located.
It is secure because of the encryption which scrambles up the data and makes it unreadable by anyone but you.
Increasingly people who wish to browse without being tracked and later followed by a myriad of ads and potential tracking software are buying access to these servers.
It is hoped that most nations will eventually legislate against everyone from big businesses to criminal gangs to introduce laws against data retention for advertising and nefarious spying.
But, until then with virtually no restrictions upon data retention by law in most countries, the VPN can be seen as a way to take personal action to stop it for the VPN user.
When using a VPN the data is erased when you leave that country (by ending that session).
What this means is, your web activities are encrypted and those bots which are set up online to watch you lose contact with you.
They get to see a different IP address for each session when using a public VPN service whilst you are using the VPN.
There is no way they can connect the next session with any other, and you remain unknown to the software that watches us all while online.
What VPN you sign up and pay for is a highly personal choice. Personally, I would recommend Tunnelbear. Tunnelbear is available on Android, iPhone and Blackberry devices. And for Blackberry it is available as a dedicated app called Signal.
Why is a Cell Phone VPN Important?
The benefit of using a VPN on your cellphone is your privacy.
There are other incidental benefits because it may be a way to get around geoblocking. Geoblocking is the increasing practice of many websites, especially in the US to block visitors from for example Europe.
This happens when the lawyers for a company point out that the laws in another (such as Europe) are complicated and largely untested in the courts, to the website managers.
As advertisers usually only target their sales in the home nation, these websites find that they can readily block all visitors from abroad without reducing their advertising income.
Another advantage of using a VPN on your can be is speed. Most VPN servers are based in the U.S. and are often faster than some European ones. This means you can get speeds of around 1 megabit per second, compared to around 10 Mbps on a European server.
So if you are looking for a personal VPN, if you’re looking for a fast VPN, if you’re looking for anonymity and privacy and if you’re looking for speed, look no further.
A personal VPN is something that you can get by clicking on a link to a VPN service provider, and following the instructions.
This is something that you do yourself but because the VPN is not a cloud-based app, you can stop it anytime you like. Also, you can stop it whenever you like.
If you are looking for a fast VPN that offers high quality, there are many high-quality VPNs you can choose from.
How do I select a VPN?
Most personal VPNs that you’ll find on the market today are based on a VPN Protocol. This type of VPN encrypts the IP addresses.
This makes it appear that the person you’re connected to is located in another country and maybe that person is actually located in your own country.
When you sign up with a personal cell phone VPN, it will ask for your country of residence and will use that as a basis for where your IP address will be located.
The server-level service gives you the benefits of anonymity and security.
The encryption is done at the server level and you won’t have to worry about your traffic being tracked, read and intercepted.
That being said, this type of VPN may not be the best for a good internet speed.
The encryption can be lead to spotty connections and you may sometimes fail to get the speeds you desire.
When that happens, it is usually because your connection is being handled by a connection that’s on a slower speed tier.
Avoid Using Free Cell phone VPNs
Slow connections are almost inevitable when you use a free cell phone VPN, free services are not a reliable way to use a VPN.
However, if you’re looking for a VPN and don’t mind paying for a service that is fast and convenient, there are some fast personal VPNs you can consider.
It is important to know that, as a matter of fact, it is really necessary to have a fast VPN that offers high quality and that is convenient.
Therefore, when you’re looking for the fastest VPN that offers high quality, it is preferable that you use a VPN that has a great reputation.
Also, it is preferable to use a VPN that does not have a connection that stops for random periods of time.
If your service provides speed in addition to quality, convenience, and security, you’re going to get the level of service we all want and expect nowadays online.
The benefit to using a VPN is that you’re shielded from prying eyes.
It’s generally believed that this can help keep you safer in your dealings with people who are interested in your business.
However, there are a few issues to consider before you jump into a VPN service. Some of these can be overcome. Others are a bit more difficult.
What Should I Expect When Using a VPN?
First, let’s talk about what you’re going to get. When you sign up for a paid VPN service, generally you’re going to get access to a fast server.
But, it may not always be fast everywhere globally.
It depends on the location that the Cell Phone VPN will use for encryption and transmission of your data.
This means that it will host a VPN server.
The best VPN service providers usually offer their clients the option of choosing which server they want. But the downside is that many locations can themselves have poor internet speeds.
This is unavoidable because some locations just don’t have a very good internet infrastructure.
One such location has been for example Africa where many states experience a huge cell phone browsing demand. But, investment in internet speeds has lagged behind elsewhere.
This means that you’re going to have the option of choosing the fastest server and best encryption – but the service provider cannot control speeds from their servers onward.
However, some VPN service providers actually offer more than two, or more, servers.
In this case, you can decide which one is faster, and use that one. In addition, some providers will offer you the ability to pick the encryption algorithms you want.
This is a benefit because some clients need the ability to choose algorithms for better security.
However, this does involve more communicating with the provider because they will go over your security plan with you. For some, this can be an uncomfortable meeting.
Purchasing a Cell Phone VPN
As you look to purchase a cell phone VPN, make sure you look at the speed.
If you need more speed you may need to balance a trade-off between speed and security, consider the security first if you run a lot of payment transactions.
However, for most people, speed is the main factor.
The first thing to consider is the speed of the server, as you cannot raise the speed from you to the VPN server unless you can go to a better broadband provider.
For this to work there your local connection to your phone exchange would need to be capable of supporting a faster connection.
Most VPN services can provide a 50Mbps connection. This is the standard speed.
However, there are many that go up to 1Gbps. Again, this is the fastest connection speed and comes usually at a premium price.
Remember that if your local broadband or cellphone connection cannot keep up with this higher speed it will not do you any good though.
The speed you will see will be the speed of the slowest link in your connection. It’s no good paying for a fast connection if your local connection can’t also provide that speed.
VPN Protocols and Technical Matters
A lot of providers use OpenVPN and L2VPN. You may need to know what this means.
Basically, OpenVPN is a free service that uses the TCP/IP protocol suite to create secure tunnels between your PC and the VPN server.
This tunnel is then encrypted using a public key algorithm and then the tunnel is destroyed after the session is ended by the user. A lot of providers may also use an intermediate server at one point in the tunnelling process.
The inner workings of the software are such that your phone is going to need to communicate with the provider in order to get these tunnels established.
They will typically give you a “shared secret2, a piece of computer data that your cell phone will need to communicate with the intermediate server.
This shared secret is important because it contains the algorithms used to create the tunnel.
If you lose this shared secret, it will be very difficult to track your traffic. You may also need to communicate with the VPN server if you want to create additional tunnels or renegotiate the rate.
A lot of the time, you don’t have to do this as often the server will offer you a fixed tunnel rate and time period.
If that is the case, you don’t need to renegotiate. Often, it is possible to negotiate a fixed rate with the server by using a shared secret.
OpenVPN and L2VPN
L2VPN is a great way to get the tunnelling process started. The main advantage of an L2VPN is that you are protecting your traffic with the OpenVPN protocol suite.
This means that no special software is needed and you don’t need to manage servers. Additionally, OpenVPN is easy to install, configure, and use.
By choosing OpenVPN for your VPN service, you are protecting your traffic with the OpenVPN protocol suite.
No special software is needed. Additionally, OpenVPN is easy to install, configure, and use.
With L2VPN, you are protecting your traffic with the VPN server. The VPN server, or VPN proxy, will forward your traffic to the VPN server.
The VPN server is the server that you connect to via a tunnel.
L2VPN simply takes it a step further by using the VPN server as the L2VPN server.
You are encrypting your traffic with the VPN server and then the VPN server is making sure that your tunnel is accessible to other computers.
Another advantage of using VPN servers is that you have one place to fall back.
You can use the VPN server to fall back to, perhaps, if your VPN connection fails. This means that your traffic is encrypted in the VPN server, which means that the tunnel is accessible to other computers.
This is great because it means that your data is secure and protected against “terahertz attacks”.
SSH Tunnels
Finally, there is the option of using SSH tunnels.
You can use SSH tunnels to tunnel your traffic over an SSH server, which is a server that supports SSH tunnels, or over a SOCKS server, which is an encryption alternative to SOCKS which is commonly used for web browsing.
You do not need to use an SSH server as your tunnel can be made to connect to another computer over an SSH connection, but that is more difficult.
Your tunnel can be made to connect to another computer through an SSH connection.
The VPN and VPN proxy can be used to speed up your browsing speed and to ensure that no matter what time you go offline, your traffic will not be blocked.
The Virtual Private Networking server will ensure that your traffic will not be intercepted. The server will also ensure that your traffic is encrypted.
Thus, your web traffic is encrypted and secure.
Multi-user and Business VPN Accounts for Businesses Schools Etc
It is possible to get a guaranteed encrypted tunnel connection to your data, even while you, the subscriber, are away from your computer.
Your VPN proxy will decrypt the tunnel on your behalf, so it is possible to get your phone or PC/ laptop connected to the VPN server even when you are not connected to your machine.
This is great because your tunnel is accessible to other computers and even other networks.
Your tunnel can be accessed by other computers that are not connected to your local network if you allow this.
Your tunnel can be shared with other people.
This is a great benefit for a business or a school. The tunnel is secure, and but you can still share it with other people.
The other people will not see that you are tunnelling their traffic.
This also gives you great leverage. When away from your computer, all your devices will still be protected.
Safely Access Your Files for Your Home PC While Travelling
You can access your files from your laptop while you are away from your laptop, or home computer.
The VPN will ensure that there are no prying eyes.
It is great for college students who go away for college but need to see their files which are still on their home PC.
This gives them access, with security and peace of mind.
If you have your VPN tunnel set up correctly with a multi-user account, you will not have to pay extra for other people to use the net with you.
The VPN has the benefit that you will not have to pay extra for another computer to surf the net.
This can be really useful. So a VPN on a phone can be a great advantage for you.
Using the VPN has other advantages, too. You can access your files when away from home when you need them.
If you use a VPN service, you may be surprised at how inexpensive it is. You may not realize just how cheap it is until you look it up.
Setting Up a Cell Phone VPN
The VPN can be very easy to set up.
This can be great if you are a newbie in setting up computers. Once you have the software, setting up the tunnel is easy.
You will not have to go elsewhere. All that you have to do is install and use the software.
The software is available from many websites.
You may have to pay for the best software, but it is well worth the money.
This will make setting up the tunnel very simple.
Finally a Word of Warning
The software can be used to make your computer appear as if it was in another location, and you can keep your identity anonymous for sure.
But, with this comes an enhanced ability to behave badly.
It is appealing for many to use VPN software to make their cell phone or computer/ TV appear to be in the US while using video and TV streaming accounts.
However, you should check the Terms of Service you signed up for.
Many streaming services prohibit the use of PBNs in this way and may terminate your account.
Steve, the author of this article, writes on a wide range of subjects. If you found this article interesting we suggest that you also visit his website at ChristySands.com.
The Article Why is a Cell Phone VPN Important for Secure Smartphone Browsing? was found on https://limitsofstrategy.com
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