
Let's Duke It Out

Health & Wellness

How Long Will Insomnia Last?

How long does insomnia last? Insomnia is a disorder in which individuals have difficulties sleeping or staying asleep. Stress, anxiety, drugs, or underlying medical issues may all contribute to it. There are numerous varieties of insomnia, each of which may…

Sleep-Inducing Vitamins and Herbs

Sleep-Inducing Vitamins and Herbs Sleep-Inducing Vitamins and Herbs: Many herbs and substances are thought to help you sleep better. Some swear by chamomile tea or valerian concoctions before night, while others use prescribed medications. Finally, the key to discovering effective…

Ear Infections Explained

Ear Infections Explained What is the cause of an ear infection? Ear Infections Explained: The middle ear is a small space behind the eardrum that should be kept clean and dry by air that generally travels up from behind the…

Do Grounding Mats Help You Sleep?

Do grounding mats help you sleep? Sleep is critical to our health and well-being. It allows our bodies to rest and rejuvenate, and it aids in memory consolidation and learning. While there are several common methods for assisting you to…

The Connection Between Earwax And Food

The connection between earwax and food The connection between earwax and food: Did you know that some foods might contribute to earwax production? Gluten is a protein found primarily in wheat, barley, and rye products. Excessive gluten consumption can result…