Hearing Problems Often Encountered Infection in the middle ear (otitis media) Otitis media is a bacterial infection in the middle ear. Otitis media can affect anyone. However, it is more common in young children. Symptoms Fluid may accumulate in the…
Things That Can Make Tinnitus Worse Is This For Real? Tinnitus is almost seldom the result of a significant underlying ailment. For some, it is merely a mild irritation that comes and goes. However, it can significantly interfere with daily…
Headaches After Being Exposed To Loud Noises – Hearing Loss There is no association between an individual’s threshold for discomfort in response to noise and the noises that induce hearing loss. You cannot strengthen your ear’s resistance to noise by…
There Are Many Causes Of Hearing Loss In Adults. There are many causes of hearing loss in adults. Some factors can be avoided, but not all. Audiologists can assist you. Hearing loss can be passed down down the generations. Hearing…
Earwax Could Be a Serious Health Concern, Despite What You May Believe. Can Earwax Have An Effect On Memory? Though for most of your life, you may have physically cleansed your ears, you do more harm than good. You must…