
Let's Duke It Out

Ear Health

Why Does Diving Cause Earaches

Why Does Diving Cause Earaches Why Does Diving Cause Earaches: Have you ever gotten to the bottom of a pool, and your ears started hurting? What you experienced was one of the most common diving problems: ear pain caused by…

Ear Infections Explained

Ear Infections Explained What is the cause of an ear infection? Ear Infections Explained: The middle ear is a small space behind the eardrum that should be kept clean and dry by air that generally travels up from behind the…

The Connection Between Earwax And Food

The connection between earwax and food The connection between earwax and food: Did you know that some foods might contribute to earwax production? Gluten is a protein found primarily in wheat, barley, and rye products. Excessive gluten consumption can result…

What Are the Many Ways to Remove Earwax

What Are the Many Ways to Remove Earwax There are four popular ways to remove earwax. Earwax drops, ear syringes or irrigation, micro-suction earwax removal, and endoscopic earwax removal are all options. Drops of Earwax Over-the-counter medications that loosen, soften,…