Anti-Blockage and Earwax Buildup Prevention Anti-Blockage and Earwax Build-up Prevention: Unfortunately, hearing loss is very common among the elderly. Hearing loss affects around one-third of those aged 65 to 74, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication…
Micro Suction Ear Wax for Seniors Earwax is one of life’s most misunderstood things, with many people unaware of its benefits or the problems it can cause if not managed properly. We’ll talk about what earwax is, what it does,…
Learn about Earwax Removal and Micro-suction When treating earwax deposits, we commonly find that we answer the same questions from patient to patient. It’s natural to have questions and concerns about something you’ve never done before, especially when it comes…
Top Earwax Removal Techniques The medical term for earwax is cerumen. Earwax is made up of fatty secretions released by the external ear canal’s sebaceous and sweat glands. Earwax is disliked by many people. It’s an unsightly and sticky bodily…
Earwax Accumulation and Blockage The body produces cerumen, or earwax, to protect the ears. Earwax is both lubricating and antibacterial. Untreated buildup can result in hearing loss, discomfort, ear pain, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and other problems. Earwax can…
Ear Washing Is Almost Entirely Unneeded If your morning ritual is too long and chaotic, we have good news: cleaning your ears with swabs is no longer on your list of things to do. Your ears are natural self-cleaning miracles….
Concerning Earwax Accumulation and Earwax Formation Earwax is produced within your ears to keep them clean and clear of germs. It usually flows harmlessly out of your ears, but too much might build up and clog them. Earwax is a…
How to Clean Your Ears in a Safe and Effective Manner How to Clean Your Ears in a Safe and Effective Manner: Earwax is used by the body to lubricate and protect the ear. Ears do not need to be…
The Fundamentals of Ear Infections What is the cause of an ear infection? To maintain it clean and dry, the middle ear is a small space behind the eardrum that must be thoroughly ventilated by air that normally travels up…
What Is the Definition of a Middle Ear Infection or Inflammation What Is the Definition of a Middle Ear Infection or Inflammation?: A middle ear infection is also known as otitis media. Many clinicians, however, believe that otitis media is…