
Let's Duke It Out

health and well-being

Anti-Blockage and Earwax Buildup Prevention

Anti-Blockage and Earwax Buildup Prevention Anti-Blockage and Earwax Build-up Prevention: Unfortunately, hearing loss is very common among the elderly. Hearing loss affects around one-third of those aged 65 to 74, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication…

Hearing Problems Often Encountered

Hearing Problems Often Encountered Infection in the middle ear (otitis media) Otitis media is a bacterial infection in the middle ear. Otitis media can affect anyone. However, it is more common in young children. Symptoms Fluid may accumulate in the…

Top Earwax Removal Techniques

Top Earwax Removal Techniques The medical term for earwax is cerumen. Earwax is made up of fatty secretions released by the external ear canal’s sebaceous and sweat glands. Earwax is disliked by many people. It’s an unsightly and sticky bodily…