
Let's Duke It Out


What Role Does SOC Play in an Organization?

A Security Operations Center (SOC) is an excellent tool for monitoring and securing your network. You can use your SOC to be notified when new dangers to your organisation emerge. Monitoring the network around the clock allows the SOC to…

The Role of a Security Analyst in the IT Industry

Given the importance of security and the influence of information security in today’s society, it is evident that hiring a security analyst in the IT business is essential. However, some questions about the role and impact of an analyst in…

What Does Access Control Help Protect Against?

Consider the sorts of security concerns you encounter when selecting an access control solution. Theft, cyberattacks, and accidents are examples of these. Zero-trust security is also an essential consideration. Dual authentication approaches will aid in protecting against these attacks. You…

What Are the Prerequisites to Make a Good SOC?

A SOC analyst must be proficient in communication, coaching, and problem-solving. They must also operate efficiently under pressure and have superior analytical thinking skills. A skilled SOC analyst should also have strong organisational and problem-solving abilities in addition to these…

Is Cyberthreat Permanently Solved by SOC Providers?

Traditional SOCs are no longer adequate in the face of escalating cyber threats and alert fatigue. As a result, SOCs are becoming more automated, allowing analysts to focus on more complicated duties rather than mundane ones. In today’s increasingly cyber-threatened…

What Is a SOC Provider?

Having a security operation center (SOC) to monitor your network and secure your data is a vital component of a good cybersecurity strategy. To establish one, organizations must recruit security specialists, negotiate and acquire security software and hardware, set up…

Managed SOC – Its Importance in Cybersecurity

Managed SOC is one of the most effective solutions to safeguard your company and ensure compliance with cybersecurity standards. It may solve a wide range of security concerns, such as monitoring operations, incident response, and compliance needs. It may also…

Managed Threat Response – Its Components and Efficiency

Managed threat response (MDR) services include numerous essential components. These include detection, intelligence gathering, incident response, and operational impact minimization. The critical components of MDR services are listed below. When selecting an excellent MDR service, consider the resources and access…