
Let's Duke It Out

Month: July 2022

Pet’s Safety in the Heat

Pet’s Safety in the Heat Pet’s Safety in the Heat: A guide on keeping your pet cool in the heat. Summer can be unpleasant, if not lethal, in humans and animals. Even as temperatures climb, dealing with heavy humidity can…

Copywriting With Humour

Copywriting With Humour Copywriting With Humour: Writing copy is complex, and writing good copy is even more challenging. Anyone can write a blog piece, but only captivating text penetrates your audience’s subconscious and drives them to act. When used in…

Guide To Pug Care

Guide To Pug Care Guide to Pug Care Pugs are cute little critters with a distinct appearance. They may be insignificant and entertaining, but you must recognise and address their specific needs to ensure their health and well-being. Everyone who…

Do Grounding Mats Help You Sleep?

Do grounding mats help you sleep? Sleep is critical to our health and well-being. It allows our bodies to rest and rejuvenate, and it aids in memory consolidation and learning. While there are several common methods for assisting you to…

The Connection Between Earwax And Food

The connection between earwax and food The connection between earwax and food: Did you know that some foods might contribute to earwax production? Gluten is a protein found primarily in wheat, barley, and rye products. Excessive gluten consumption can result…